Guidelines for presentations
Contributing a presentation to the Congress is optional – most participants do not submit a presentation.
A presentation is one of the following:
– Lecture-demonstration (presentation of a subject using Powerpoint or video projection)
– Research report (unpublished results of a research project with scientific methodology)
– Class (demonstration of a teaching technique, a choreography or particular dances)
– Performance (performance on stage)
– Exhibition (display and/or sale of material)
– Video projection (simply showing a video with one’s work)
For each presentation a separate file must be submitted prior to the congress, to be included in the proceedings. This text can be accompanied by pictures, music or video samples.
Time allowed Lecture: 20 minutes (including questions by the audience); Classes 30 minutes; Performances 5 to 10 minutes on stage.
Publication Full proceedings will be published at the Congress website viewed by many thousands of visitors.
Languages Working languages are English and the language of the hosting country; other languages can be used, without simultaneous translation.
Texts 6,000 words maximum for each presentation.
Format Send your text by email as .doc or .ppt format. Send also a printed copy or a DVD if you wish. Have your text corrected by a person very competent in the language used, in order to ensure it is absolutely ready for publication. Formats: see table below.
Deadline Send a description of your presentation (full text, eventually accompanied by pictures, video and/or music) at least one month before the opening day in order to be included in the program and the proceedings DVD.
Structure of texts Divide your text into sections, each with a numbered heading. Start with your name, the title of the presentation, an outline, then the sections of your development of the theme. Include a short presentation of the author (profile, CV) in the text.
Content of research reports A research report (or research paper) contains unpublished results of an original research project. It can describe objectively the situation of dance in a country or a region. It can cover a particular form of dance (ballet, folk, ballroom etc.) or a sector (education, performance, scholarship etc.) at national or regional level. It is a concise and informative document giving an overall picture. The focus is on giving facts, figures or estimates, tendencies and needs. It is addressed to professionals rather than the general reader.
Content of other texts Texts accompanying a lecture, a class, a performance or an exhibition are brief or detailed descriptions. Send a separate text for each presentation, following the guidelines above.
Networking Bring a number of printed copies of your text, and sufficient brochures or other printed material to distribute (you will need many visiting cards too).
Total volume of all presentations by a participant (text + sound + images + video + CV) should not exceed 100 Mb
Please write your full name in the subject line of your message and eventually your CID Membership number to distinguish from spam and ensure faster processing