59th World Dance Congress registration procedure

    1. Send by email your confirmation you are fully registered as a CID Member to: nassausectioncid@gmail.com
    2. Confirm you are fully registered as a congress participant.
    3. Send fee for lectures ,presentations and workshop
    4. You will receive a invitation letter confirming that you are a Member of the CID having fully registered as congress participant. With this letter of invite you can contact sponsors and apply for a visa.

59th World Dance Congress Registration Fee

Congress Registration: 100 US dollars 100.BAH. dollars (65 euros)

Congress Registration Youth: 45 US dollars 40 BAH dollars (30 euros)

Each Presentation: 20 US dollars 20.00 BAH. dollars (15 euros)

PREFERABLY through: www.paypal.com
Send to: nassausectioncid@gmail.com  Select: Send to friends



CID Membership fee – International World Dance Council –UNESCO Paris

Individuals: 80 US dollars (55 euros)
Institutions (schools, organizations etc.): 160 US dollars (110 euros)
Youth (under 25 years of age): 45 US dollars (30 euros)
Associate members: 375 US dollars (250 euros)

How to send CID membership fee

PREFERABLY through: www.paypal.com
Send to: ExecSec@CID-portal.org Select: Send to friends

Through Western Union (ask us before)
If you are a resident of the Eurozone ask us for alternative ways of payment.

Contents of parcel sent

– Confirmation of membership letter
– Confirmation of membership parchment for framing
– Receipt of payment
– Member’s lapel pin, to wear at all times.
– Stickers for school entrance and car windshield
– Posters for wall decoration
– Various presents – see Gifts at the CID Portal.

Confirm your present postal address – the envelope will be sent there

CID –Nassau Section Contacts

Secretary -CID Nassau Section

Achara Grant Wash

Tel +1 242 431 0841 Mobile and whatsapp

+1 242 -328 8670 Email :nassausectioncid@gmail.com

President -CID Nassau Section

Dr. Ann Higgins

Tel +1 242 565 0613 mobile and whatsapp

+1 242 376-6801  face book page    CID-nassau section international congress of dance

Email: drannhiggins@yahoo.com  & nassausectioncid@gmail.com